20 Years of Web Design Experience and Counting
Let our experience guide you to success!!!
Free Quote Page Translator

To create a great web site one must be organized and plan for the design as well as the programming of your web site or phone applications.
Below we have outlined our basic steps that will help you understand how we handle all our clients to lead them to success.
Step one:
We create a quote and once the quote has been finalized the web site design is put into our development queue.
Step two:
We create a site map which structures the detail of the web site with all its pages so that we have a visual map as to all the features and functions on the web site.
Step three:
Once the site map is compiled we then design a visual concept of what your web site will look like so that we can get your approval.
Step Four:
Once the concept is approved then we will then begin the development process and program all the features and functions.
Step Five:
Completion of the web site and have the client test drive all the features of their web site to make sure you are completely satisfied with your web site and then everything is completed.
There may be some additional steps if the web site is to be transferred to another hosting company and that process is completely free.